Diabetes Management
Type 2 Diabetes continues to be a major concern and affects more than 37 million Americans. Instead of drug therapy, we take a functional, integrative approach and figure out the exact reasons why your sugar is not controlled. Using a dietary and lifestyle approach, diabetes remission is not only possible, but our end goal.

Symptoms of High and Low Blood Sugar
High Blood Sugar:
Fatigue after meals
Craving Sweets
Consumption of sweets after meals
Waist girth is enlarged
Frequent urination
Increasing thirst and appetite
Difficult losing weight
Low Blood Sugar:
Craving sweets during the day
Irritation if meals are missed
Fatigue in the day
Eating relieves fatigue
Dizzy and light-headed
Nervous and agitation
Poor memory and brain fog
Functional & Integrative Management of Diabetes
The complexity of you obtaining the state of Diabetes took time. We'll outline the physiology and biochemistry of this process and tell you exactly the type as well, so you understand how to reverse it. Did you know there's Type 1, 2, 3 and type 1.5 Diabetes? Appropriate laboratory testing to reveal causes of your high sugar will be of utmost importance as is creating a collaborative partnership in putting this disease in remission.